Monday, 7 October 2013

Number 12. Forgive everybody.

Number 12. Forgive everybody.

Hmmmmm, I think I have done reasonably well with this...I would say I can forgive fairly easily but forgetting is the hardest part!!

Some situations have arisen this year, not many thankfully but when they have I remembered that this is part of my challenge so it has made me think carefully before responding.

There are some situations and people you meet who of course upset you, it may be someone serving you in a shop who is a bit rude, it may wind you up but I guess most people have a reason why they react in a certain away and we don't always know or understand that!

Life is too short to hold grudges, they make you bitter, I like to try and understand where people are coming from, to listen to what someone is saying, not everyone gives me the same courtesy but that is there problem and I can't do anything to change that! If you forgive it makes it easier to move on...I would recommend it!

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