Monday, 21 January 2013

Number 21. Walk over hot coals.

Number 21. Walk over hot coals.

I'm not someone who wants to throw themselves out of a plane, mainly because I have a fear of heights but I wanted to do something that was challenging! A very good friend of mine walked over hot coals a few years ago on a work team building excursion and she said it was exhilarating which had stayed in my mind!

Its alright adding this to my list but then I had the dilemma of how do I actually do it?!

I found a great website called which basically made it clear that I had two options to organise my own event or attend an event organised by someone else. I decided that with everything else I had going on this year it was easier to attend something that I didn't have to arrange!
The website put me in contact with the HeelandToe Charity in Durham who were running an event on November 2nd 2013 which was the perfect time for me to do it and fit in before my 40th!
I also loved the sound of the charity, they are a charity which provides conductive therapy to disabled children suffering from cerebral palsy, dyspraxia and other movement disorders, and I was proud to do it for them as well as tick an item on my list!

My lovely hubby decided he would do it with me, and as well as the firewalk they were also planning an ice (glass) walk which he said he would do as well!

So we went up to Durham last Saturday, nerves were creeping in a little bit but we'd raised a good amount of money on our Just Giving page and I was looking forward to meeting people at the charity!

It was such a well organised event, the centre, staff and children were all lovely and the money raised from the event will be so gratefully appreciated! They'd put on a whole afternoon/evening of entertainment which was nice for us all and as we'd taken Lydia and James with us they had a brilliant time! There was an American cop car, 'North Road' the band which won Metro Radio's 'Big Audition' and they were supberb! Daleks, Stormtroopers, Fireworks, and of course the fire and glass walking!

My husband was awesome, that is all I can say, he walked over the broken up razor sharp glass and said it was easy, he then broke an arrow with the point in his neck, and he firewalked twice!
I nearly bottled the firewalk, my mind lost it so I had to leave the line and rejoin get myself across I chanted to myself 'I can do this I can do this'!!

It was harder than I thought it would be, I hadn't envisaged such intense heat, or flames to the side of me when walking over the coals, and the step from the grass on to the hot coals is SCARY!!! However I did not burn my feet, or get any blisters, yes it was hot when I first stepped on but then you walk so fast that you've soon done it!
I did not wish to do it again, once was enough, and now I can say I am a firewalker!!

We raised a fantastic amount for this brilliant charity, thank you to everyone who supported us it really did mean so much to us. It is still possible to donate if you should wish please just go to:

Many thanks xx




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