The End!
So it is with mixed feelings I write this, I am sad as I have had the most amazing year completing my list of 40 things to do before I'm 40 but I also feel incredibly happy and have a smile on my face as I look back!
I never would believe a year ago that I was embarking on such a fantastic year of experiences, I've done amazing things, been to some wonderful places, made new friends, have helped people, laughed many times, but most of all I have achieved!
I've so many memories that will last a lifetime and I thank all my friends and family who have helped me accomplish so much, it wouldn't have been the same without you! xx
A year of completing tasks and challenges of all sorts of different things I have set myself to do from my 39th birthday to my impending 40th on the 24th November 2013!
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Bonus Number 42!! Get featured in a national magazine!
Bonus Number 42!! Get featured in a national magazine!
As if I would have ever added this to my list, I would have never ever in a million years thought it would be possible for me to achieve this?!
However a few weeks ago I was invited down to London for a photo shoot which was ultra exciting and I was made to feel and look a million dollars, thank you to all concerned! Plus my gorgeous friend Zoe who lives in London and I don't get to see enough of, with her baby Erin came to meet me at the Blue Fin Building and witness the transformation and photo shoot, plus Erin got a few photos taken made my day even more special!
As if I would have ever added this to my list, I would have never ever in a million years thought it would be possible for me to achieve this?!
However a few weeks ago I was invited down to London for a photo shoot which was ultra exciting and I was made to feel and look a million dollars, thank you to all concerned! Plus my gorgeous friend Zoe who lives in London and I don't get to see enough of, with her baby Erin came to meet me at the Blue Fin Building and witness the transformation and photo shoot, plus Erin got a few photos taken made my day even more special!
So on the 17th Deccember 2013, I will be in 'Woman' magazine featuring with two other ladies as to 'Why 2013 has been our Year' as little old me from Driffield, wrote a list of things to do and by doing so people have become interested in my story, mainly because of my list but also because I have Psoriatic Arthritis and how having a list of things to do has given me a new lease of life!
I am very excited to see the article, and photographs (not seen any yet but I will get them on a disc) and it will be a fantastic conclusion to the most amazing year, I feel very lucky to have achieved this!
I am very excited to see the article, and photographs (not seen any yet but I will get them on a disc) and it will be a fantastic conclusion to the most amazing year, I feel very lucky to have achieved this!
Tuesday 17th December...I truly can't believe it's me! What a lovely way though to finish things off! xx
Bonus Number 41!! Meet a celebrity!
When I was writing my list I would have loved to have added this, but as you know I wanted to make my list achievable and realistically living in Driffield this task would be quite hard, or so I thought!!!
On Sunday 13th October 2013, Driffield held an event at the showground called 'The Farmers Festival' we had bought tickets as a family and my friend Helen had also bought tickets so her Mum and daughter could come to, it said Peter Andre would be attending as well as other celebrities but I never thought I would really get to meet any of them.....but we did!! Yes I have hugged Peter Andre, Will Mellor and Sheridan Smith...utterly awesome day!!

Monday, 25 November 2013
Number 27. Own a piece of jewellery from Tiffany's
Number 27. Own a piece of jewellery from Tiffany's!
I am very much a girl who loves her jewellery and there is something about Tiffany that is so very special but I've never had the good fortune to own a piece myself!
I thought if I dropped enough hints that my husband would eventually realise that this is what I'd like for my birthday!!
Bless him, a few weeks ago he asked me what I would like? Well let's face it, I'd like anything, but I decided to ask for a ring for my right hand that I could wear everyday, so he asked me to get my finger measured so he could pick me something!
I have to say "the boy did good"!!! Got a fabulous silver ring for my birthday on 24th November 2013 and it couldn't be more perfect, I absolutely love it, and my darling Rund! ❤️
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Number 17. Kiss in the rain.
Number 17. Kiss in the rain.
Anyway, it got to Monday this week (18th November) and we still hadn't done this! Don't ask me why other than I think earlier in the year I thought I had loads of time to do it and also every time it was raining was my lovely husband not with me!
So this was a slightly romantic notion I had in my head of having a good old snog in the pouring rain and it being so lovely, like in a film! (I know, I know, I'm sad!!!)
A little something like this, (without the picking up part, as I think I may break his back, I know I've lost some weight but not that much!) :
Anyway, it got to Monday this week (18th November) and we still hadn't done this! Don't ask me why other than I think earlier in the year I thought I had loads of time to do it and also every time it was raining was my lovely husband not with me!
So Monday afternoon it was pissing down, Rund was at work so I text him to come back so we could have a little smooch and get this task cracked!! This is our conversation:
Gotta laugh really but yet again the rain stopped by the time he came home in the evening so another missed opportunity!
Tuesday no rain at all and Rund started with man flu! We woke up Wednesday morning it's cold, chucking it down and Rund's sniffing and snorting all over! Now I really didn't want to kiss him as I didn't want to catch the lurgy, but I also didn't want to fail this challenge!
So yes I did (!) I dragged him outside at 8am, in the rain, moaning and groaning he wasn't well, and it was cold etc...and I begrudgingly kissed him, he was like a plank of wood, I was suitably unimpressed as it was sooooo not what I'd imagined, but I can definitely say we've kissed in the rain!! Ha ha!!
Number 11. Sort out the photo's.
Number 11. Sort out the photo's.
This is a bit of a boring, tedious task I set myself, however it is something which has been niggling away at me for years as we have thousands of photographs since 2004/2005, which because we went digital are stored all over the place, in files on the computer, on discs, on-line photo stores etc..etc...but not in any logical order!
Years ago as soon as a camera film was full we'd get it developed & pop the photos in an album, it's so different now as we take lots more pictures not only on the camera but with our phones & iPad too!
I decided the best way to store them was on-line, a lot of them were already stored with Truprint so I decided to create yearly files and file all the photos that way!
Some of them we will print and put in albums or create special photo books but at least now we have one place we can browse the pictures, plus I've got an app on my iPhone & iPad which means instant access to our thousands of photos!
A boring job but very satisfying to have done it!!
Monday, 18 November 2013
Number 38. Learn to play chess.
Number 38. Learn to play chess.
I did use to know how to play chess as a child so I was hoping I wouldn't find it too difficult to re-learn this skill, especially as my husband and kids can all play!
James had always said he wanted to teach me, so with the help of him, my Dad, and Rund I sat down early evening Sunday 17th November to play my first game of chess in about 30 years!
Now I wouldn't say I'm now an accomplished chess player, but it did come back to me a little and I did manage to win a game! I'm sure that James will continue to want to play with me, he was even testing me this morning on all the pieces, their names and what they can move...I did impress him though as I'd remembered!
It's the same as any skill, practice makes perfect so watch this space!!
Monday, 11 November 2013
Number 31. Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Number 31. Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an open air gallery near Wakefield. Contemporary art exhibitions, gardens, parkland, a family day out. It is a place I knew I would love and have wanted to visit for so long. It lived up to all I had hoped and is now definitely one of my favourite places and I'm sure will return to often.
The Yorkshire Sculpture Park is an open air gallery near Wakefield. Contemporary art exhibitions, gardens, parkland, a family day out. It is a place I knew I would love and have wanted to visit for so long. It lived up to all I had hoped and is now definitely one of my favourite places and I'm sure will return to often.
We visited on Sunday 10th November 2013. A beautiful cold but bright and sunny day, very autumnal with the crisp leaves, beautiful colours of the trees etc...
We took Tilly with us and had a great afternoon walking around, didn't see all of it by a long way as there is so much to see, plus our camera battery died and I'd left my phone in the car so couldn't use that camera but we managed to get some piccies to prove we did go!!
All of our favourite sculptures we didn't get any photos of unfortunately but they were all brilliant & set in such stunning scenery!
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