1. Ride on Air at Alton Towers with Helen
2.Try cavier
3.Stay up all night & watch the sun rise
4. Eat sushi
5. Try Absinthe
6. Skinny dip
7. Lose some weight
8. Get better than a 3rd @ Driff Show
9. Visit a new country
10. Ring at least one out of town friend every week
11. Sort out the photos!
12. Forgive everybody
13. Make peace with those whom peace needs to be made
14. See more of my Dad
15. Read more
16. Ride in a gondola
17. Kiss in the rain
18. Watch the top 100 films of all time
19. Watch a ballet
20. See an opera
21. Walk over hot coals
22. Ride on a rodeo bull
23. Learn at least 5 constellations to point out in the night sky
24. Volunteer time to a charity
25. Have a signature dish
26. Have a makeover in a department store
27. Own a piece of jewellery from Tiffany's
28. Play a board game with my kids every week
29. Have a date night with my hubby every other month
30. Go to Lochness
31. Visit the Yorkshire Sculpture Park
32. Hold a dinner party every 3 months
33. Have a weekend in London
34.Give something away every time I get something new
35. Start a blog
36. Raise some money for Arthritis
37. Have afternoon tea at The Ritz
38. Learn to play chess
39. Create a short film to go onto You Tube
40. Have an amazing time celebrating my 40th!